
Atlantic Antic Tabling

Green Party of Brooklyn will have a table at the largest street fair in NYC - the Atlantic Antic. It is an all day event so we need volunteers to staff the table and walk the fair.  Mark Dunlea, our Comptroller candidate will be joining us! Our table is located at 338 Atlantic between between Smith & Hoyt.   Please RSVP with the time you can volunteer at this link Atlantic Antic Volunteer Sign Up or contact Dani at [email protected] or 347-218-3107.
September 23, 2018 at 11:00am - 6pm
Atlantic Antic Festival
388 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217
United States
Google map and directions
Dani ·
Daniella Liebling

Who's RSVPing

Daniella Liebling

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Showing 1 reaction

  • Daniella Liebling
    rsvped 2018-09-20 11:23:06 -0400

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