
Green Party Candidates for Governor and Comptroller Stop in Utica

Green Party Candidates for Governor and Comptroller Stop in Utica

WIBX 950AM (Utica): October 30, 2018

The Green Party candidates for Governor and Comptroller made their last campaign stop in Utica before Election Day today.

Both Howie Hawkins and Mark Dunlea want to repeal the state's two-percent cap on local property taxes and replace it with a restoration of state revenue sharing with local governments.

“Upstate New York suffers from the highest property taxes in the country and the Governor’s tax cap has been just a sound-bite gimmick that has done nothing to lower them. The state government has a much broader base than the sales and property tax to finance government operations. Restoring revenue sharing would offset the cost of unfunded mandates and enable local governments to reduce local taxes while making needed investments in services and infrastructure,” said Hawkins.

The candidates say climate change is the greatest threat to humanity, yet the state has made little progress in stopping the use of fossil fuels and moving to renewable energy.

Hawkins also says access to debates has been a major challenge.

Hawkins was excluded from the gubernatorial debate organized by CBS, but will be included in the debate this Thursday organized by the New York State League of Women Voters

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