
Media Advisory: Labor Day Appearances by Howie Hawkins

Media Advisory: Labor Day Appearances by Howie Hawkins

For Release Sunday, August 31, 2014

For More Information:
Ursula Rozum, Hawkins for Governor, Campaign Manager, (315) 414-7720, [email protected]
David Doonan, Hawkins for Governor Media Coordinator, 518-265-4030, [email protected]

Labor Day Appearances by Howie Hawkins

On Labor Day, Monday, September 1, Howie Hawkins will march at 10:30 a.m. with his own union, Teamsters Local 317, in the Labor Day Parade at the State Fair near Syracuse.

He will then go to Albany for the afternoon where he will join the Green candidate for Comptroller, Theresa Portelli at the Labor Day Picnic sponsored by the Solidarity Committee of the Capital District in Cook Park in Colonie.

WHO: Howie Hawkins, Green Party nominee for Governor of New York

WHAT: Labor Day Appearances

WHEN: Monday, September 1

WHERE: Syracuse Labor Day Parade. Meet at Gate 4 of the NY State Fair (Indian/Iroquois Village) at 10:00 a.m

WHERE: Capital Region Labor Day Picnic in Albany, Noon to 5:00 pm at Cook Park in Colonie. Hawkins will probably arrive in Albany around 2:30 pm.

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