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Statement by Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins on Cuomo Lying re nomination of the Independence Party
"If Cuomo can't tell us the truth about a little thing like the Independence Party line, what really big things is he lying about?" asked Howie Hawkins. "Maybe he is not telling the truth when people give him $40,000 campaign contributions that they don't expect a favor in return. Is it really just coincidence that 45 percent of his campaign donations came from donations of $40,000 or more and this year's budget cut business and estate taxes?"
"That's a question that must be asked of the Democratic Party as a whole whose state committee has received contributions of over $1 million from a hedge fund manager and a real estate magnate and routinely receives five and six figure donations from corporations like Time Warner, AT&T, Verizon, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Coca Cola, GE, and Pfizer," Hawkins said.