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With Nixon as Challenger, Cuomo Once Again Feints Left. It Might Not Work.
All of this left a bad taste in the mouths of people who had endorsed Cuomo as well as many voters who chose someone else. Come general election time, the Green Party’s Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones got more votes than Cuomo did on the Working Families Party line, pushing the WFP down a spot on the ballot.
Hawkins Lobbying Legislators for 100% Clean Energy by 2030
Albany–Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins is lobbying state legislators today in support of the New York Off Fossil Fuels Act (NY OFF, A.5105/S.5908A ). The bill would amend the state’s energy master plan to require a transition to 100% clean energy by 2030. It would halt the building of any new infrastructure for natural gas or other fossil fuels.
The lobby day in Albany is organized by Food & Water Watch and the Green Education and Legal Fund. Over 100 organizations in the state have endorsed the NY OFF Act.
“I support NY OFF because it’s the only climate bill before the legislature that actually does what the climate science says we must do. The science says that industrial states like New York must get to 100% clean energy and zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 if the planet is to avert runaway global warming and climate catastrophe,” Hawkins said.
Read moreGovernor candidate Larry Sharpe shares appeal in area visit
Livingston County News, May 8, 2018
At the Genesee County Libertarian Party-hosted event, Sharpe’s message was about winning, not just doing well enough to secure official party status. He believes the fractured gubernatorial field — with Cuomo, Cynthia Nixon, Marc Molinaro and Howie Hawkins — means that it will only take 1 million votes to win.
Hawkins calls for more public housing, releases tax returns
WRVO (NPR, SUNY Oswego), May 8, 2017
Green party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins is calling for an expansion of public housing in New York State. At the same time, Hawkins is criticizing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s housing investment strategies.
Hawkins decried the decline of public housing options in Syracuse, standing between two weed infested vacant lots.
“In this case both on this side of the street, and the other side, there was once over 400 units of affordable housing,” Hawkins said. “But no affordable housing has been built since this project was torn down in 2013.”
Hawkins says these vacant lots also are a good example of how the Cuomo Administration’s public-private partnership model leads to pay-to-play corruption. He notes many of the principals in a no bid, no money down deal at the site, have since been caught up on corruption charges in connection with other state projects.
Hawkins' answer to all this is to pump billions into the state municipal housing authority to create mixed-use housing.
“I’m talking about high-quality housing, that’s mixed income, which will help reduce the segregation. That’s humanly scaled on scattered sites not concentrated on high rises, that’s built in the suburbs, as well as the cities, and all neighborhoods in the city, and that’s green,” he said.
For cannabis activists in New York City, racial justice is a major topic of conversation
Four candidates for New York governor spoke in favor of cannabis at the rally: Cynthia Nixon (Democrat), Joel Giambra (Republican-turned-Reform), Larry Sharpe (Libertarian), and Howie Hawkins (Green). Digs at governor Andrew Cuomo abounded.
At Cannabis Parade in New York City, Full Legalization Feels Right Around the Corner
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said at the parade that “we must demand more than our present ineffective medical marijuana program which seems primarily designed to enrich a few well-connected business people. Even though New York decriminalized small amounts of marijuana 40 years ago, local police especially in New York City have used the discriminatory enforcement of the law to target people of color.”
Read moreHawkins calls for public housing expansion
Gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins is using several methods to get the message out about his frustrations with the current administration.
Fresh off his arrest at a protest last week in Albany, the Green Party candidate was in Syracuse, Friday making his case for a massive expansion of public housing to make rent more affordable.
Green Party Candidate for Governor Howie Hawkins Calls for Expansion of Affordable Public Housing
WAER (NPR, Syracuse University), May 4, 2018
Green party candidate for Governor Howie Hawkins is calling for a massive expansion of public housing in the state in an effort to make housing more affordable. But he says it’s a different approach than the old, large-scale projects of decades past.
“Those projects just increased segregation and concentrated poverty. I’m talking about high quality housing that’s mixed income - which will help reduce segregation - that’s humanly scaled on scattered sites, not concentrated in high-rises, is built in the suburbs as well as the cities, in all neighborhoods in the cities, and is green.”
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