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Debate spin from Cuomo, Nixon, more: What they're saying
Syracuse Post-Standard, August 30, 2018
Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, who is also from Syracuse, said the debate proved he is the only real choice for progressive voters. Like Miner and Hawkins, he criticized both candidates for engaging in personal sniping rather than discussing substantive issues.
"We need a Governor who will work to raise wages for the average worker across the state," Hawkins said. "Wages have been stagnant while costs like housing and health care continue to rise. We need a pay raise."
By Chris Baker
In the moments before, during and just after Wednesday's gubernatorial primary campaign, candidates and campaign workers sought to spin the evening's contest one way or another.
Democrats Andrew Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon squared off in the first and only televised debate before the Sept. 13 primary for governor -- a heated contest packed with one-liners and prickly exchanges.
The debate proved testy from the opening moments, with Nixon on the offensive against Cuomo from the first question. She interjected frequently while he spoke, prodding him with questions about his policies and his character.
"Can you stop interrupting?" Cuomo asked at one point.
"Can you stop lying?" Nixon shot back.
"Yeah, as soon as you do," Cuomo said.
Nixon's campaign declared victory before the debate even aired, and blasted out more than a dozen emails challenging Cuomo's statements on everything from union rights to marijuana to corruption.
"Now we know why Andrew Cuomo hates debates so much," Nixon's spokeswoman, Lauren Hitt, said. "The governor was visibly angry about Cynthia contrasting his corrupt, centrist administration with her progressive vision for New York -- and his resulting temper flare-ups and rants told the story."
While Nixon's campaign hyped the debate, seizing on the exposure for their out-funded candidate, Cuomo's team kept a lower profile. Earlier in the week, when asked how he was preparing for the debate, Cuomo downplayed the whole thing.
"By governing," he said, according to the New York Times.
On Twitter, Cuomo's advisers seized on Nixon's answer to the opening question, asking what experiences make her qualified to run New York State.
Nixon -- an actress-turned-activist -- pointed to her work to urge for equal funding across New York City Schools and other social causes. She then turned her attention to a list of criticisms for Cuomo on issues like the New York subway system and economic development.
When pressed, she said her experience with a group called Fight Back New York, which pushed for marriage equality, gave her hands-on experience.
"This was unquestionably going to be the first question and her non answer was stunning," top Cuomo campaign aide Lis Smith wrote on Twitter.
Meanwhile, across the state, an array of contenders waiting to challenge the primary winner in November chimed in with their thoughts.
Marc Molinaro, the Republican candidate for governor, said the debate showed Cuomo as a bully trying to intimidate and dismiss Nixon.
"Most disappointing, both candidates almost completely ignored the challenges facing Long Island and upstate New Yorkers," Molilnaro added. "It was as if they were running for Mayor of New York City against Donald Trump."
Former Syracuse mayor Stephanie Miner, who is running for governor as an independent, lamented there was no discussion about job creating in upstate New York during the debate. She also said she was "disturbed" at Cuomo's pledge to fight corruption in Albany.
"I insist that the remainder of the gubernatorial campaign focuses on real dialogue about issues and problem-solving. New Yorkers deserve no less," Miner said in a statement.
Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, who is also from Syracuse, said the debate proved he is the only real choice for progressive voters. Like Miner and Hawkins, he criticized both candidates for engaging in personal sniping rather than discussing substantive issues.
"We need a Governor who will work to raise wages for the average worker across the state," Hawkins said. "Wages have been stagnant while costs like housing and health care continue to rise. We need a pay raise."
The primary election is Sept. 13. The general election is Nov. 6.