DUH! - Demand Universal Healthcare!
Paul Glover, 2014 and 2018 Green Party candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania
What They Say About Howie:
Howie Hawkins is the most unwavering progressive I think I've met in New York state.
- Ralph Nader in Syracuse Post-Standard, October 8, 2004
For over 30 years, while both major parties drifted farther into a corporate embrace, Howie Hawkins has rallied workers and environmentalists to assert independent power together. His knowledge and moral force make him among the best stump speakers for any political movement. He deserves far more votes, donations, and media attention.
- Paul Glover, 2014 and 2018 Green Party candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania
The Green Party's agenda seems to hold more water every time Howie Hawkins gets a platform.
- Syracuse Post-Standard Editorial, September 29, 2005
Hawkins is far and away the best candidate in this three-way race. As is his custom, Hawkins has shaped his campaign around a promise to provide a voice for the voiceless. He is a tireless activist for empowering the traditionally disenfranchised. He promises to be a councilor who "represents the community instead of the power structure".
- Syracuse Post-Standard Editorial endorsing Howie Hawkins for 4th District Councilor, October 20, 2001
Hawkins' lengthy list of public policy initiatives includes tax reform and reining in “corporate welfare.” He also gets down to Earth with calls for a new grocery store on the South Side, more investment in youth programs, a municipal development bank and a community hiring hall, with training for “green” jobs. He still advocates for public power as an economic alternative for Syracuse, and wants full implementation of the living wage law....Hawkins' approach takes the councilor's role to a more proactive level — where it needs to be in these challenging times.
- Syracuse Post-Standard Editorial endorsing Howie Hawkins for 4th District Councilor, October 28, 2009
Howie Hawkins is probably the most serious and knowledgable candidate the area has seen in current memory.
- Walt Shepherd, Syracuse New Times, June 11, 2009
Hawkins consistent history of organizing, demonstrating and being a voice for the voiceless brings a sense of civility and credibility to his campaign under the Green banner.
- Matt Mulcahey, CNY Central, Matt's Memo, Oct. 23, 2014
Howie Hawkins recently entered the race for NY Governor, giving us reason to endorse a candidate in that race. Howie doesn't have the backing of the Democratic Machine like Cuomo or the celebrity, fashion, or money of Nixon, but he DOES have the historical creds, integrity, and balls to run in full-throated support of the New York Health Act (the NY single-payer bill currently almost passed in the state legislature), which the other two don't even mention on their websites.
Howie is a contender, one of the few Greens who managed to win enough votes in the 2014 gubernatorial race (184,419) to move the party up on the ballot. And this time, he has added a much-needed element of fierceness to his campaign. His upgraded website declares, ""Demand More!" and ""We are demanding more than piecemeal reforms. We are demanding system change." With all that demanding, it seems only right that DEMAND Universal Healthcare be one of his first endorsers!
His issue page on Healthcare outlines the provisions of the NY Health Act, summarized by, "The New York Health Act will provide comprehensive, universal health coverage for every New Yorker and would replace private insurance coverage. You and your health care providers work to keep you healthy. New York Health pays the bill." Familiar language to those of us who know H.R.676.
While Cuomo is probably being wined and dined by insurance company lobbyists and Nixon waits for the next day's stump speech script, Howie is the candidate who knows and can provide what people in the whole state (not just the city) need.
- DUH! - Demand Universal Healthcare! endorsement statement, 2018