November 06, 2018 6:00 AM
6 am, November 6, 2018
Vote today as if our lives depended on it. They do.
Today is election day. Polls are open to 9 PM.
Please vote Row D, Green Party. Most important is our ticket of Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee. Only votes for Governor / Lt Gov count towards the 50,000 threshold needed to continue as a ballot qualified party, which makes it much easier for us to field candidates.
Our other statewide candidates are Mark Dunlea for Comptroller and Michael Sussman for Attorney General. We have more than a dozen Greens running for Congress, State Legislature, City Council and Mayor of Lockport. Read about them here.
Today is also Divestment Tuesday. Mark’s campaign has focused on climate change, starting with the need to get the state to Divest its pension fund from fossil fuels. A vote for Greens is a vote for divestment and climate action.
Call NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli at 518 474-4044. Script: Please divest the NYS pension from fossil fuels. The NYS Attorney General is suing Exxon for defrauding investors like the NYS pension funds, so why would the Comptroller keep investing in such companies? It is wrong to invest the pension fund in companies that are destroying the planet through global warming.
NYC Kids PAC have endorsed Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee due to their outstanding positions on the education issues most public school parents care about, whether it’s keeping the cap on charter schools, more equitable education funding, reducing class size or reforming mayoral control; Jia, in particular, is a NYC teacher and has testified eloquently before Congress on the damage done by high stakes testing.
If you do not know where to vote, you can find it here.
If you are at a polling place that is the correct polling place for where you presently live at, and the poll workers says you are not listed as a registered voter, you should ask to fill out a provisional ballot, known as an affidavit ballot.
Please remind your friends and neighbors about the importance of voting green.
By voting Green Party on this Election Day you will make sure that we can field independent candidates who take no corporate money, who are teachers, teamsters, college students. Pushing the Democrats who get elected to take the progressive positions they talk about happens when Green Party vote totals are good.
They say New York is a Democratic Party stronghold yet it has the largest gap between rich and poor; the most segregated school system by race and class. New York needs a Green Wave to move our elected officials to care about all of us.
Defy Trump and Cuomo. Vote Green. Row D.
And yes, we still need donations. Grow the revolution.
The Green Party