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Green Candidates To Speak on Desegregating Housing and Schools - Tues. Oct 16 Brooklyn
For immediate release: October 16, 2018
Three members of the Green Party’s ticket for statewide office will be speaking tonight about how to desegregate housing and schools in New York. New York’s cities are the most segregated in the nation by race and income.
The forum is in the Brooklyn Commons, 388 Atlantic Ave. from 7 to 9 pm. Tuesday, October 16.
Michael Sussman, the Green candidate for Attorney General, will speak about litigation against discrimination and segregation. Sussman is a civil rights lawyer who won over $400 million from the New York State, HUD, and Yonkers to remedy school and housing segregation in Yonkers.
Jia Lee, a pubic school teacher who is the Green candidate for Lt. Governor, will address “controlled choice” programs that combine school preferences and family income to create integrated schools across school districts.
Margaret Kimberly, a columnist for Black Agenda Report, will discuss why politicians of all races have backed away from desegregation policies in recent decades.
Howie Hawkins, the Green candidate for Governor, will discuss how building new mixed-income public housing can contribute to housing desegregation as well as affordability in an era of gentrification and displacement of working-class tenants.
Tonight’s forum is one of series of panels on Socialist Solutions to Pressing Problems sponsored by the Green Party, the Socialist Party, and the International Socialist Organization.
Previous panels addressed the problems of Low Wages and of Education. Health Care will be discussed at a 7 pm forum at Lehman College on Wednesday night. Housing will be the topic of a panel at the Brooklyn Commons at 7 pm on Monday, October 22. Puerto Rico will be the issue on Friday, March 26 at the VFW Hall at 1530 Hutchinson River Parkway in the Bronx. A panel on climate change and the Green New Deal is also being organized.
The series schedule is posted at