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Green Party Airs TV Ad
NY State of Politics: November 5, 2018
By Nick Reisman
The Green Party this weekend released its first TV ad of the campaign, featuring gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins.
The ad has already appeared on social media, but will play on cable TV the Syracuse and Albany markets.
Hawkins, who ran in 2010 and 2014, pointed to the safe lead incumbent Democrat Andrew Cuomo has in polling over Republican Marc Molinaro and that voters can “send a message” by backing his candidacy.
“I am the only progressive remaining on the ballot in New York. With Cuomo holding a safe double digit lead over Molinaro, voters need to send Cuomo a message that they demand action on climate, jobs and wages, single payer health care, and progressive education reform,” Hawkins said.
“Voter don’t like being taken for granted by politicians. And there is a lot of displeasure over Cuomo’s performance and the level of corruption he is presiding over and benefiting from.”
Hawkins is one of several independent party candidates running for governor this year, including Libertarian Larry Sharpe and Stephanie Miner, the former mayor of Syracuse and a Democrat running on the Serve America Movement ballot line.