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Green Party Candidate for New York Governor Stops in Utica
WIBX AM (Utica), August 9, 2018
The Green Party candidate for New York Governor made a campaign stop in Utica on Thursday.
Howie Hawkins was a guest on the First News with Keeler Show on WIBX.
Hawkins is calling for a Green New Deal, which starts with transitioning to 100 percent clean energy by 2030.
He says according to a study done in 2013 by professors at Cornell and Stanford, if New York were to go to all clean energy by 2030, it would create 4 and-a-half million jobs and lower electric costs by half.
Hawkins says the Green New Deal also targets public investments directly into the energy, housing, transportation, and water and sewage infrastructure of struggling communities upstate.
Hawkins also wants to to repeal the state's property tax cap and lower property taxes.