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Greens Celebrate Reported Fracking Ban, Credit Grassroots Movement
The Green Party of New York (GPNY) and its recent gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins join the chorus of New Yorkers celebrating what appears to be an imminent fracking ban, arising from today’s reports from Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joe Martens and Acting Health Commissioner Howard Zucker.
“This news is a victory for all New Yorkers who have dedicated their lives for the past six years to keep fracking out of New York,” said Howie Hawkins, 2014 Green candidate for Governor. Hawkins ran in 2010 and 2014 on a strong anti-fracking platform and confronted Cuomo about the issue during the October 2014 gubernatorial debate in Buffalo. “Together, we have won more than just a ban – today, we have a strong movement that must now use our people power to win the transition to 100% renewable energy for New York by 2030 in order to fight climate change.”
“Finally, the Cuomo administration has embraced what we have known all along – that fracking pollutes the air, land and water, posing incalculable risks to families and business across New York, especially those near drilling sites,“ said GPNY Co-Chair Gloria Mattera.
“If communities had let up on Cuomo and the fracking industry for even a moment, they would have started drilling long ago,” said Michael O’Neil, who serves as Co-Chair alongside Mattera. “We must still address the fracking infrastructure that has already been built, tying New York to the dangerous fracking economy.”
Since 2010, GPNY has campaigned locally and statewide for a “Green New Deal”, which would create millions of jobs building a clean and renewable energy system. The Green Party of New York is a member of the New Yorkers Against Fracking coalition.
For more news on the reported ban, visit:
New York State of Politics “After Lengthy Review, State Moves to Ban Fracking”