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Gun Owners of America
New York Chapter
1. Do you support the legal right of citizens in New York to possess the same firearms commonly used in other states? If not, why not?
2. Do you believe that law abiding citizens should be able to transfer or bequeath firearms to a family member?
Yes, following a background check, but not assault weapons.
3. Do you believe law abiding citizens have the right to use a firearm to defend themselves or others from violent crimes such as murder, rape, assault, or kidnapping, in any place they have a legal right to be?
4. Do you believe law abiding citizens have the right to use a firearm to defend their property from robbery, carjacking, breaking and entering, burglary, or theft?
5. Do you support legislation that requires mandatory locked storage of firearms within a person’s home?
Gun locks, no. Gun safes, yes.
6. Do you support legislation that requires all gun owners to purchase liability insurance?
7. Do you believe the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms protects: (please check all that apply)
[ ] Gun ownership by all legal adults 18 years of age and older
[X] Possession of firearms in the home
[ ] Possession of firearms in the workplace, and transport thereto
[X] Possession of firearms at a shooting range, and transport thereto
[ ] Possession of firearms for self defense, at any place a person is legally allowed to be
8. A "shall issue" permit system requires that all permits for concealed carry be automatically approved, unless a legal disqualifier exists such as prior criminal convictions or mental illness. Currently New York is one of only eight states which allow the arbitrary denial of permits, a practice which results in black and hispanic persons being denied permits in disproportionate numbers. Do you believe that New York State should be a "shall issue" state like most states?
9. Do you support the repeal of the SAFE Act? For the purposes of this question, please assume that it is politically feasible to do so.
[ ] Yes, a complete repeal
[ ] Yes, a partial repeal leaving in place the following provisions:
[X] No
10. If elected, would you solicit the advice of members of Gun Owners of America, and other Second Amendment organizations, prior to voting on legislation which would impact gun owners?