
Hawkins Applauds Court Ruling in favor of fracking ban

Hawkins Applauds Court Ruling in favor of fracking ban

Howie Hawkins hailed the New York Court of Appeals decision announced today that upholds the right of municipal governments to ban fracking within their jurisdictions.

"The Green Party strongly supports the right of local communities to control development in their communities. Local people are usually the best to determine what is best for the public health and safety of local residents," said Hawkins.

Hawkins said that the best way to ban fracking in New York would be to vote for the Green Party in November.

"I campaigned four years ago on the need to ban fracking and want the opportunity to put an end to this once and for all. I oppose any investments in expanding our fossil fuel reserves and infrastructure. Instead, New York needs to put people back to work by investing in a transition to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030," said Hawkins. 

“If Cuomo wins re-election and turns to his presidential ambitions, he is not going to challenge the pro-fracking consensus of the national Democratic party. Cuomo will not ban fracking. I will,” Hawkins said.

Last month, Senator Schumer put Governor Cuomo on the spot with respect to fracking when he noted on the Morning Joe program on MSNBC that "the Democrats throughout the country have supported fracking."

Hawkins pointed out that Governor Cuomo could still approve fracking within the framework of the court's decision, as he did in a trial balloon proposal to permit fracking that was leaked to the media two years ago by his administration. The proposal would allow hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the southern tier of New York where communities approved.

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