
Hawkins Breaks Personal Fundraising Record!

Hawkins Breaks Personal Fundraising Record!

Green candidate Howie Hawkins raised $71,660.43 in the July 11 through September 29 reporting period, more than in his entire 2010 campaign. Hawkins' fundraising total for the entire campaign is $126,425, three times what Hawkins raised in 2010. In this filing period, Hawkins received contributions from 240 individuals, for a total of 911 in this year's campaign cycle.

"Our average donation in this filing cycle has been $69, and the median is $40. Governor Andrew Cuomo's average donation is one hundred times greater than ours. Today's filing makes clear that Andrew Cuomo is a Governor for New York's 1% -- that's who funds his campaign. Cuomo had 39 contributors. I had 240. This shows that more people are willing to invest what little money they have in our campaign and our vision for a progressive future for New York.

"When I call my campaign supporters and ask for a contribution, I hear stories of people's struggle to find employment, stories of crushing medical and student debt. Andrew Cuomo's austerity politics are directly responsible for the economic insecurity facing New Yorkers. I look forward to debating the Governor about our different vision for the future of New York. Andrew Cuomo wants a New York where his campaign contributors get to feed from the public trough. I want a New York with a revitalized public sector where all New Yorkers can live a dignified life," Hawkins said.

Hawkins' detailed filing can be viewed on the NYC Board of Elections website:

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