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Hawkins on Steve Pigeon Bribery Guilty Plea
For immediate release: September 28, 2018
Statement of Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for Governor, on Guilty Plea by Steve Pigeon
Steve Pigeon, the Democratic Buffalo money and influence broker for Cuomo, Clinton, Golisano, and a host of special interests pleaded guilty this morning to bribing a judge for favors. Unfortunately, bribery, bid-rigging, straw donors, and other forms of public corruption are a bipartisan pastime in New York. It’s time to throw both teams of bums out.
Steve Pigeon, the Democratic Buffalo money and influence broker for Cuomo, Clinton, Golisano, and a host of special interests pleaded guilty this morning to bribing a judge for favors. Unfortunately, bribery, bid-rigging, straw donors, and other forms of public corruption are a bipartisan pastime in New York. It’s time to throw both teams of bums out.
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