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Hawkins secures Green Party designation for Governor
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) - Howie Hawkins received the Green Party designation for Governor.
This will be Hawkins' third consecutive run for the position. He finished with 5% of the vote in 2014.
The Green Party is focusing their campaign this election season on clean energy, single-payer health care, legalization of marijuana, and fully-funded public schools.
“Testing and charters have become the bipartisan evasion to confronting segregation. Integration has been by far the most effective education reform in closing achievement gaps and improving the education of children of all backgrounds,” Hawkins said in a statement from his campaign.
Governor Cuomo is facing a Democratic primary challenge from Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon. Republican Marc Molinaro is also seeking the state's top political seat.