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Media Advisory: Hawkins tour of Susquehanna County, press conferences on October 9
The Hawkins for Governor tour of Susquehanna County, Pa. will begin with a press conference in Montrose, Pa at 9:30 am. Hawkins will then tour a number of landowners whose properties have had their water supply adversely affected by Fracking. Before returning to Binghamton for a 2:30 press conference, the tour will stop at the offices of Cabot and attempt to meet with their representatives.
The campaign has reserved a 30 seat van. Members of the media are more than welcome to reserve a seat on the van First come, first served. For reservations on the van, please contact David Doonan at [email protected] or 518-265-4030.
The van is leaving from Binghamton, 50 Pennsylvania Avenue at 9:45 am.
An opening press conference will be held in Montrose, Pa at 11:00 am at the Susquehanna County Courthouse, 105 Maple St, Montrose, PA 18801.
A concluding press conference will be held in Binghamton, NY at 2:30 at the Government Plaza, 33 W State St, Binghamton, NY 13901.
Joining Hawkins at this Press Conference is former Mayor of Binghamton, Matt Ryan.