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Left Forum is a conference that brings together activists, academics and organizers from across issues and from around the world. The Green Party and Howie Hawkins participate and organize panels. Learn more about the conference here: Descriptions below for the panel's Howie will be on.
If you'd like to volunteer with the Hawkins campaign during the Left Forum, contact Ursula.
Independent Political Action in the Streets and in the Political Arena
Saturday 5-6:50pm
Independent Political Action: From mass antiwar and social justice mobilizations, BDS/Palestine & diverse forms of electoral action including Socialist and Green Party campaigns. A discussion/debate format with past and present candidates from Socialist Alternative party, Socialist Action party, the Green Party as well as national and regional antiwar and social justice leaders representing the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC); Connecticut United for Peace; United for Peace with Justice/Eastern Massachusetts; Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal/California and Lynne Stewart Organization/NY. The panel will explore building the social and political base needed to effectively challenge the hegemony of the two-party Democrat/Republican duopoly.
Quid Pro Cuomo: What is to be done?
Sunday 12:00pm-1:50pm
The left in New York State is debating how to counter the conservative class agenda of Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo's governorship has pushed austerity for schools and public services and contract concessions on teachers and other public employees in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich. Cuomo's educational policies have advanced the corporate “reform” agenda of high-stakes testing of students, teachers, and schools in order to “fail” public schools, privatize them as charters, and undermine teachers' professional autonomy, job rights, and unions. How should the left relate to a Democratic Party with a popular voting base in the working class, a funding base in the super-rich, and a political leadership that frequently allies with Republican state leaders in New York on fiscal, economic, and educational policies? On the independent left, the Green Party is running candidates against the Cuomo ticket. On the Democratic Party left, the Working Families Party is debating whether to cross-endorse Cuomo again or to run against him, a question they will address in their convention the same weekend as the Left Forum. This panel will discuss Cuomo's conservative fiscal, economic, and educational policies, the efficacy of fusion politics with the multi-class Democratic Party vs. independent working class political action, the relationship of electoral campaigns to social movements, and what should be done by the New York left in 2014.
524 W 59th St
New York, NY 10019
United States
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