Search Howie's website and previous campaign archives here:
The Green Party of Brooklyn invites you to come together with climate justice activists for a fun evening of live music, to make new connections and celebrate all of our work. The event will be hosted by Howie Hawkins, who will speak about his campaign for Governor and his Green New Deal platform of economic justice and solutions to the climate crisis. Representatives from various groups will also speak about their inspiring climate justice work.
Highlights of the event:
- Musical performances from local groups Hayride Casualties and Lowlark
- Climate haiku competition
- Excellent food and drink in a fun Brooklyn venue
- and of course, Howie Hawkins!
We hope to see you there!
Sunday, May 04, 2014: 6:30-10pm
Freddy's Bar
627 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY
-Green Party of Brooklyn
May 04, 2014 at 6:30pm - 10pm
Josh Feintuch
· 914-548-3239
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