
Jill Stein and Howie Hawkins in Western NY!

Green Party Gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins will be visiting Western New York with 2016 Green Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein. Come out and support Howie's call for a Green New Deal in New York! 

Howie and Jill will be joined by Green Party Comptroller candidate Mark Dunlea as well as local Candidates Danilo Lawvere (State Assembly - District 146) and Wade VanValkenburgh (Mayor of Lockport).

$25.00 suggested donation (contribute below)
$10.00 student/fixed income

October 05, 2018 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Potts Deli & Grille
41 S Rossler Ave
Cheektowaga, NY 14206
United States
Google map and directions
Green Party of Erie County

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$25.00 Enter the Number of Tickets You'd Like To Purchase Here
$10.00 Student/Fixed Income Tickets: Enter the Number of Tickets You'd Like To Purchase Here

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