
Media Advisory: News wrap up for September 19

Media Advisory: News wrap up for September 19

Hawkins and Credico Try to Woo Harlem Residents

Green Party gubernatorial contender Howie Hawkins and Randy Credico–the gadfly perennial candidate who recently placed third in the Democratic primary behind Gov. Andrew Cuomo–hit the corner of 125th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan today in an effort to make inroads in the usually loyally blue enclave.

A Lucky Corner: Credico Campaigns with Hawkins in Harlem

A lifelong third-party activist and veteran of Dr. Benjamin Spock’s 1972 presidential campaign on the long-forgotten People’s Party ticket, the 61-year-old Hawkins is hoping New York’s 125th Street and Lexington Avenue — a familiar spot picked out by Credico — proves to be his lucky corner, just as 116th Street and Lexington Avenue proved to be the late Fiorello H. La Guardia’s “Lucky Corner” during his long and colorful political career. Like Hawkins, the fiery and energetic La Guardia was an extraordinary fighter for downtrodden and forgotten New Yorkers — a progressive in every sense of the word.

Now' focuses on Hawkins, campaign

Don't miss this week's episode of "New York Now," the award-winning co-production of WMHT and the Times Union. This week's highlights: Karen DeWitt of New York State Public Radio talks to Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins about his platform and his desire to be included in any debates involving major-party candidates Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Rob Astorino.


This week on ‘NYN’: Howie Hawkins wants a debate microphone

Karen DeWitt of New York State Public Radio talks to Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins about his platform and his desire to be included in any debates involving major-party candidates Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Rob Astorino.


Cuomo foes pounce on fracking indecision

With no major-party candidate backing a fracking ban, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins is hoping to pick up some support. Teachout had called for an outright fracking ban, and Hawkins is hoping his message appeals to those who backed the upstart Democrat.



Howie Hawkins - Andrew Cuomo tarred Rob Astorino this week for being a—gasp!—Miami Dolphins fan. Astorino retorted with the charge that Cuomo kills unicorns, which, apparently, is some sort of satire. That’s right, post-primary the gubernatorial race has degenerated into silly season. Fortunately, while the governor and his GOP challenger go at it like they’re vying to become president of a frat, there is at least one candidate in the race conducting himself like a grown-up. Hawkins, the Green Party candidate, has hammered away at the issues—imagine that—and his surprising poll numbers seem to reflect that people appreciate him elevating the discourse—or just really don’t want to vote for the other guys.

Exclusive TWC News-Siena Poll on 18th Congressional District Race

Rob Astorino is just five points behind Governor Cuomo in this poll with sevent percent of voters going for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins. Eight percent of voters are still up for grabs.


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