
Media Advisory: News wrap up for September 23

Media Advisory: News wrap up for September 23

Progressives offer promising alternative to Cuomo

By rejecting corporate money and funding his campaign solely with the help of small individual donations, Hawkins holds himself fully accountable to the middle- and working-class people of New York. If you are tired of a New York state funded on the backs of working people and of SUNY schools that continually raise tuition and cut student services, Howie Hawkins is a viable option to consider before entering the voting booth this fall.


Should Hawkins be in the debates?

For Cuomo, it will be hard to say “no” to the Green Party nominee, since four years ago, polling much lower, Hawkins was on the stage with a phalanx of gubernatorial candidates, including Cuomo, who was running for a first term. The results of this month’s Democratic Primary make it clear that Cuomo has soft support on his “left.” What he does not need is someone like Hawkins, who is now touting himself as the one true “progressive” in the race, siphoning off votes – which he will do more easily if he is given a platform to speak from – especially on the issue of hydrofracking, where there is political support to be gained. What “creative” argument could Cuomo use this year to deny such a spot, even though he might reasonably not want Hawkins on the same stage?

Hawkins at 9% among likely voters statewide

In the first public poll since the Sept. 9 Democratic primary, the governor holds a 25-point margin in the race among likely voters, with 54% of poll respondents supporting Mr. Cuomo. The Republican, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, pulls 29% and Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins gets 9%.


Green Party Success Buoys Republicans

One silver lining for Rob Astorino in these congressional polls has been the performance of Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, who is reaching double digits.

Without having to spend time petitioning for the ballot, the Hawkins campaign has been putting its efforts into field work and fundraising.

As Hawkins has gained strength in the polls, Astorino has shifted from being opposed to the Green Party candidate’s participation in a debate to being open to the idea.


Hawkins on how seeds planted today will sprout in the future

"Anytime you get that many people together, it makes a statement. Even if the government tries to shrug it off the people are encouraged to keep active. You know, take Zepher Teachout we were on a radio program together, and I was involved in prefabricating shanties. We brought them in on a flatbed truck and put them on the Dartmouth College green, against the investments in South Africa, encouraging colleges to divest. And that sparked a movement that went across the campuses and really sparked the anti-apartheid. movement Within a year we had sanctions against South Africa passed by Congress, and then they passed it again overriding President Reagan’s veto.

"So Zepher Teachout was a high school student at that time and she came out and saw the shanties and said that was one of the reasons she became involved with politics. Now I didn’t know that, that was 1984 so that’s 30 years ago, and so we planted the seed then, that I didn’t know had sprouted until we were on that radio program a few weeks ago.

"So what we did yesterday (NYC Climate Change march) will have ramifications all along as we go forward."

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