Search Howie's website and previous campaign archives here:
We pledge to vote for Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee, the only progressive candidates on the ballot for Governor and Lt. Governor who will fight for fully-funded public schools, guaranteed, single-payer healthcare for all; 100% clean energy by 2030; affordable housing and transportation, and living-wage jobs or income for all — A Green New Deal.
Please share this pledge to 20-30 friends, family members, allies, co-workers and others in your community, and tell them why real solutions can't wait. Ask them to Vote Green Party and to #DemandMore from our government!
Below are some sample social media messages to invite your friends and family to sign the pledge to vote Hawkins/Lee. Click the links to post to Twitter, copy and paste into Facebook posts, and be sure to send personalized messages to your personal networks.
- [Tweet This] This election is too important — for the climate, for our communities — to stay quiet and vote for the status quo. Join me in voting for Howie Hawkins for Governor of NY on November 6. Sign the voter pledge to let Howie know he can count on your support:
- [Tweet This] On Election Day, I am using my vote to #DemandMore by voting for Howie Hawkins for NY Governor. Howie is the only candidate in the race who supports making healthcare a right by passing universal single-payer healthcare:
- [Tweet This] I'm supporting Howie Hawkins for NY Governor because his Green New Deal platform offers real solutions to the crises of poverty and ecological devastation facing our state and the planet. Join me by signing up to support Howie:
Showing 141 reactions
This election's too crucial to stay quiet+vote for the status quo. Nov.6,#DemandMore—Vote Howie Hawkins, only candidate for universal Single-Payer Healthcare, for NY Gov.— His Green New Deal has solutions for poverty+ecological devastation facing NYS+Earth.