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Hawkins: "Where does Cuomo get his money?"
Cuomo had $33 million in his campaign war chest on January 15, 2014. Only 4273 people contributed to Cuomo by Jan. 15, 2014 in the three years since he took office in Jan. 2011.
Candidate 99% vs. Governor 1%
In a state with over 19 million people, a tiny elite of very wealthy people have given Cuomo over 99% of the $33 million campaign war chest he had as of Jan. 11, 2014.
12 billionaires gave Cuomo between $50,000 and $1.16 million.
45% of Cuomo's campaign fund came from 242 contributors who gave $40,000 or more.
81% of Cuomo's campaign fund came from 924 contributors who gave $10,000 or more.
Less than 1% of Cuomo's campaign fund came from donations of less than $1,000
Quid Pro Cuomo
Cuomo did his donors' bidding. The rich got tax cuts: bank tax eliminated, corporate tax rate reduced, corporate income tax on manufacturers cut to zero, estate tax reduced, tax-free zones for businesses in Start-UP NY zones around universities, 100% rebate of the stock transfer tax. The people got underfunding of public services, from public schools to public transportation to environmental protection to revenue sharing with municipalities.
27 bankers, real estate executives, business executives, philanthropists and advocacy groups who promote charter schools gave Cuomo Cuomo at least $800,000 by last January, half of it from a coterie of hedge funders and other wealthy supporters of Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy charter school network. Is it any suprise that Cuomo rallied with Moskowitz and her bussed in students from charter schools and put into this years state budget more money for charters, a mandate that New York City pay charter school rents, and took control of co-locations from the city to the state?
Governor Cuomo has received at least $1 million in campaign contributions from pro-fracking interests. If he wins a second term and turns to his presidential ambitions, is there any doubt but that he will join the national Democratic pro-fracking consensus?
Be One in a Thousand
Let's show that Candidate 99% got more contributors in the first three months of his campaign than Governor 1% got in the first three years of his from 924 contributors of $10,000-and-up who gave him 81% of his campaign fund.
Be one in a thousand Hawkins donors by July 11 when the campaign's first financial report to the state Board of Elections is due.
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