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Green Party Candidates in Utica to Discuss Campaign, Upstate Fiscal Relief, Debates
For immediate release: October 29, 2018
Time: 1o:30 AM
Location: Cafe Domenico, 2011 Genesee St., Utica NY
Who: Howie Hawkins for Governor, Mark Dunlea for Comptroller
Green Party Candidates in Utica to Discuss Campaign, Upstate Fiscal Relief, Debates
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, and Mark Dunlea, the Green Party candidate for Comptroller, will make their last stop in Utica before election day on Tuesday October 30. They will hold a news conference at 10:30 AM at Cafe Domenico, 2011 Genesee St., Utica.
The candidates will discuss this week’s debates for Comptroller and Governor. The League of Women Voters is sponsoring the first inclusive debate in the Gubernatorial race this Thursday November 1 at the College of St. Rose in Albany.
They will also discuss the need for fiscal relief for upstate communities and the need for an emergency mobilization to respond to climate change. The United Nations recently warned that the world needs to take dramatic action to end greenhouse gas emissions within the next 12 years.
The Greens say that the two major parties have show themselves incapable of solving pressing problems in NY, such as the high level of lead contamination experienced by children.