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Greens: Hawkins, Dunlea in Binghamton Sat Sept. 30 at 3 PM
For immediate release: September 30,2018
NYS Green Party candidates, Howie Hawkins for Governor and Mark Dunlea for Comptroller, will be available for interviews in Binghamton between 3-5 pm at 104 Walnut Street.
Hawkins and Dunlea will be holding a house party,
Howie Hawkins will discuss aspects of the Green Party platform.
According to Hawkins, “As Governor I will be an advocate for low-income workers. Throughout the campaign I have outlined democratic socialist solutions: public ownership and democratic control of our energy system. Public broadband. A universal, single-payer healthcare system. And expanded, quality public housing.”
Mark Dunlea, the only progressive candidate running against NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, will talk of the urgency for divesting fossil fuel investments from the NYS Pension Fund.
Marks says,"Investing billions of dollars in companies that are destroying life on our planet is morally wrong. But is also increasingly a bad financial decision, with the fossil fuel industry underperforming the rest of the stock market in recent years. One study shows that NY would have an extra $13 billion in its pension fund if it had divested.”
Contacts for more info:
Binghamton: Ellen Connett, 607-217-5350
Howie Hawkins email: [email protected]
Mark Dunlea email: [email protected]