Candidate’s Name: Howie Hawkins
Office You Are Seeking: Governor
District: New York State
Civil Rights – Do you support (S) or oppose (O) the following:
An Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) (State and/or Federal)……….S
Prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.………S
Recognizing domestic partnerships (civil unions) instead of marriage..…….O
Recognizing same-sex marriages…………S
Banning affirmative action……...…O
Mandating the appointment of equal numbers of females & males to State government agencies, boards & commissions…………S
Using government funds to finance religious charities…………O
Laws with conscience clauses for the provision of goods and services……O
Women on Welfare and in the Workplace – Do you support (S) or oppose (O) the following:
Waivers beyond the five year lifetime limit (TANF) for those who cannot find employment…………S
Allowing those on assistance to complete education in lieu of work requirements (TANF) …………S
Capping the number of children in a family that can be considered in determining that family’s monthly allowance (TANF)………O
Exempting women from work requirements (TANF) if they have children under five or cannot get quality, safe & affordable childcare for older children…...S
Pay equity legislation with accompanying legislation for employer reporting requirements………………………S
“Living Wage” legislation……………S
Funding comprehensive, quality, safe and affordable childcare for all...….S
Prohibiting requirements to waive rights as a condition of employment……S
Health Care and Reproductive Rights – Do you support (S) or oppose (O) the following:
Creating a universal single-payer health care plan that covers all, and guarantees full reproductive health care and long term care…………S
Making it illegal for any health care organization, nursing home or insurance company to deny needed medical or health services based on cost, convenience or conscience or to reward/penalize health care professionals for denying/diagnosing need…………S
The right to privacy as it relates to safe, legal abortion.…...….S
Requiring parental/judicial consent or notification for a minor’s abortion……..O
Allowing Medicaid funding for abortions.………...S
Increasing funds for family planning………S
Permitting or requiring “abstinence only” sex education in public schools……O
Making emergency contraception available over the counter regardless of age…….S
Granting rights or protection to a fetus.………O
Education - Do you support (S) or oppose (O) the following:
Using taxpayer dollars (vouchers or tax credits) to pay for religious schools…...O
Allowing the use of taxpayer dollars to pay for same sex or same race schools……….O
Increasing aid to public schools…………………S
Enacting and enforcing Title IX type legislation to ensure equal education for females and males ……..S
Increasing aid to higher education ……………………..S
Matrimonial & Miscellaneous - Do you support (S) or oppose (O) the following:
Establishing no fault divorce ………………O
Establishing penalties for failing to comply with mandatory financial disclosure and/or concealing assets in domestic relations matters…………S
Creating a presumption of joint custody of children, over the objection of either parent……….O
Creating a presumption that custody should be granted to the parent bearing the primary responsibility for the child’s care during the marriage…………S
Mandating mediation, or any other form of out of court alternative dispute resolution, over the objection of either party to divorce proceedings……O
Establishing a presumption of equal distribution of marital assets to replace the current equitable distribution standard………………O
Requiring the parent who fails to pay court ordered child support to pay the other parent’s legal fees for bringing the issue to court and to pay for the enforcement thereof ……………...S
Eliminating family court through legislation or merger.…..…....O
Requiring ongoing study of the backlog of cases at the Division of Human Rights…………S
Adding exceptions to employment-at-will in New York State to protect employees against unfair or unjust dismissal……………S
GOVERNOR ONLY - Indicate Yes (Y) or No (N) for the following:
Would you actively press the NY Senate to pass pay equity legislation and would you sign it into law?.……………………Y
Would you advocate that the State civil service job titles which are filled primarily by women be reclassified according to fair and comparable work standards?.………………………………….…Y
Would you sign into law legislation that provides for emergency contraception for women without restriction?……………………………Y
Would you appoint State judges who will uphold the rights of women and minorities? ……….Y