Check back here soon for more details of the Onondaga County Volunteer Action Plan to support Hawkins for Governor.
1) Increase active local volunteers to 100 people (from 58 last year)
HOW: Bring a new friend every time you participate in a Green Party campaign activity.
2) Have a presence at all local events relating to campaign issues including fracking, education reform, election financing, jobs, and more.
HOW: Become an event liaison for leafleting, voter registration, and info sign-ups by contacting us for materials. Sign up for next month's Westcott Street Cultural Fair tabling, or bring other events to our attention.
3) Everyone participate in at least one phone-banking session from the central campaign office here in Syracuse
HOW: Sign up today by contacting us, phoners are needed every week.
4) Increase our social media, print media, and guerrilla media outreach.
HOW: Daily photo stream from now till election day, Letters to the Editor as often as you can, flyer and posterize the city! Coordinate with us so we can keep a record.