
We are proud to have the support of progressive New Yorkers who aren't afraid to break with their party and who are endorsing Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones. Another grassroots part of the Democratic base are teacher's unions. Howie now has the endorsement of six teachers unions.

Here are the Democratic endorsements

Endorsed by:

  • Jim Owles Liberal Democrat Club
  • Village Independent Democrats
  • Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform
  • Southern Brooklyn Democrats
  • Diane Ravitch
  • Albany 11th Ward Councilman Judd Krasher
  • Sal Albanese, former NYC council member and two-time NYC mayoral candidate
  • Arthur Schwartz, Democratic Party District Leader, Greenwich Village

If you are a Democrat who supports Howie, please add your name below!

"I am casting a protest vote for the first time in my life. I am voting for the candidates of the Green Party, Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones. I voted for Zephyr Teachout in the Democratic primary for three reasons: her position on education, on public integrity, and on the environment. And these are the reasons I will cast my ballot in November for the Green Party...."
- Diane Ravitch

"I endorse Howie Hawkins for Governor because he stands up for working people and Cuomo doesn’t. I especially support Howie's call for full, not partial, public campaign financing, also know as Clean Money Elections. I introduced a bill for a Clean Money Elections in the New York City council in the early 1990s. Unfortunately, we have a partial public financing system that still allows private campaign contributions to give undue advantage to politicians who are willing to do the bidding of wealthy special interests. Campaigning for Clean Money Elections makes Howie the only candidate running for governor who is addressing a root cause of public corruption and unresponsive government in Albany."
- Sal Albanese, former NYC council member and two-time NYC mayoral candidate

"Howie Hawkins is the kind of true progressive that we can stand behind, and feel proud to endorse. Between the Moreland Commission, his unwillingness to debate in the primary, his refusal to outlaw fracking, and that he is the first Governor in decades not to utilize his powers of clemency, which we find cold hearted and unjust, we simply could not endorse Governor Cuomo."
- Allen Roskoff, president of the Jim Owles Liberal Democrat Club


I have represented Greenwich Village and much of the Lower West Side for almost 20 years as a Democratic Party Leader. I cannot, in good conscience urge my neighbors to vote for Andrew Cuomo on any line. He is not a true representative of the progressive spirit of the Democratic Party, much less the Working Families Party, and his Women's Equality Party is a fraud. He governs like a heavy handed mean-spirited thug, and has engendered support among my fellow Democrats largely through fear.

Cuomo has inadequately funded public education in order to boast about a 'balanced budget,' improvidently ducked the opportunity to stop fracking in its tracks, and hinged New York's future solvency on a risky casino scheme which will syphon money from the poor."

Cuomo has no true record in support of affordable housing, has done little to promote green energy or tax equity, and is more at home cavorting with Republican millionaires than with poor people. For that reason I am endorsing Howie Hawkins, the one candidate for governor who we can call progressive, and I am excited by the breadth of the grass-roots support which his candidacy has received and the potential to build on that in the future.
- Arthur Schawartz, Democratic Party District Leader, Greenwich Village

"I suggested that our club give thought to endorsing Howard Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, as he embodies many of our principles including his strong support of labor and the working man.  His opposition to fracking is yet another way that he espouses our efforts."
- Frieda Bradlow, Village Independent Democrats Executive Committee member

"Howie Hawkins represents the kind of strong progressive politics this club has historically stood for...Since the new breed of political corruption takes the form of corporate money smothering our  democracy, our club is staying true to its roots by supporting Howie Hawkins: a genuine friend of the working and middle classes."
- John Bredin, Village Independent Democrats member

"We want a candidate who understands the issues and could govern effectively. The current Governor has succeeded in pushing policies that increase income inequality. We want to feel good about the person we vote for. We believe that Mr. Hawkins will be more accessible and responsive to our neighbors and will champion  the  progressive values that PHDR members believe so strongly in. We are proud to endorse Howie Hawkins."
- Raul Rothblatt, President of the Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform

"We have grown tired of Cuomo's lip service to Democratic values while he simultaneously takes actions that harm our middle and lower classes.  Hawkins stands for real progressive values and has a vision to improve life for millions across our state.  He is the leader that New York State needs to improve our economy and our livelihood."

- Jennifer Thorpe-Moscon, Chair of the South Brooklyn Democrats.



Who's endorsing

Alan Saks

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  • Alan Saks
    endorsed 2014-11-01 15:09:17 -0400

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