
Hawkins to Kick Off General Election Campaign in Syracuse

For immediate release: September 18, 2019

Notice of News Conference
Date: Wednesday, September 19
Time: 10 AM
Location: Steps of Syracuse City Hall
Who: Howie Hawkins for Governor, Frank Cetera for Syracuse City Council at Large

Hawkins to Kick Off General Election Campaign in Syracuse on Wed. Sept. 19 at 10 AM

Syracuse resident Howie Hawkins will kick off his gubernatorial campaign for the general election with a news conference at Wednesday, September 19 at 10 AM on the steps of Syracuse City Hall.

Hawkins will outline why he is Plan B both for the 500,000 who recently voted for Cynthia Nixon and the better choice for liberals who presently think Cuomo is their candidate.

Hawkins will be joined by Frank Cetera, who is the Green Party candidate for Councilor-at-Large in Syracuse.

Hawkins will discuss his agenda on climate, single-payer healthcare, upstate cities, and replacing Cuomo’s property tax cap with increased state revenue sharing with local governments in order to cut property taxes.

Why We "Demand More!"

Socialist Worker: September 18, 2018

By Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee

Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee, Green Party candidates for governor and lieutenant governor in New York, explain how their campaign is aiming to raise expectations that have been systematically lowered by the state’s Democratic Party leaders.

WHEN OUR Green Party campaign for governor and lieutenant governor of New York settled on the campaign slogan of Demand More! we had three points in mind.

First, we wanted to “raise our expectations,” as Ralph Nader always enjoins us to do. In New York, that means, first of all, clean government. Public corruption is rampant.

More than 50 state officials have been driven from office since 2000 for ethical or criminal violations. During Governor Cuomo’s most recent term, the Speaker of the Assembly, the leader of the Senate, two of Cuomo’s top aides and a slew of Cuomo campaign contributors who received lucrative state contracts have been convicted of a variety of bid-rigging, bribery, fraud and kickback charges.

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NY Times: Planet is Doomed; The Solution: Vote Green

For immediate release: September 18, 2018

Video of news conference

Howie Hawkins Says Green Party is the Progressive Choice in November

NY Times: Planet is Doomed; The Solution: Vote Green

(Albany) Howie Hawkin kicked off his general election campaign by appealing to progressives who voted for Nixon, Williams, and Teachout in the recent primary. He called on them to support the Green gubernatorial ticket of Hawkins and Jia Lee, as well as Michael Sussman for Attorney General and Mark Dunlea for Comptroller. Hawkins pointed out that the Green candidates are veteran activists of progressive movements, and are the most qualified for their offices.

“The Green general election ticket is Plan B after the primaries for progressive voters,” Hawkins said.

With an increasing number of scientists, government bodies, and the media increasingly warning that the future of human civilization is imperiled by accelerating climate change and extreme weather, the Green Party wants New York to set a goal of 100% clean energy by 2030.

“The NY Times Magazine recently argued that life on planet is probably doomed due to the inability of politicians to set aside partisan bickering to launch an emergency mobilization to avoid the worse of climate change. The clear solution is to vote in the Green Party because we are committed to doing what is needed to avoid climate chaos,” stated Mark Dunlea, the Green Party candidate for State Comptroller who wants the state to divest its pension fund from fossil fuels.

“The good news is that we largely know how to move to 100% clean energy while creating millions of jobs, cutting deaths from air pollution, and lowering energy costs. All we need is the political will to act and the Greens have that in abundance,” added Dunlea.

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Hawkins Seek Progressive Voters Post Primary

For immediate release: September 17, 2018

Howie Hawkins Says Green Party is the Progressive Choice in November
Calls for 4 Regional Debates

(New York) Howie Hawkins kicked off his general election campaign by appealing to progressives who voted for Cynthia Nixon, Jumaane Williams, and Zephyr Teachout in the recent primary to support the Green gubernatorial ticket of Hawkins and Jia Lee, as well as Michael Sussman for Attorney General and Mark Dunlea for Comptroller.

Hawkins, who is campaigning as an eco-socialist, said “it is too bad the Greens were left out of the mainstream media narrative leading up to last week’s primaries. We would have advanced the discussion well beyond what we heard from the progressives in the primaries.”

Earlier in the day, Hawkins participated in a news conference observing the 7th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. The Occupy movement challenged social and economic inequality and the lack of democracy. “The 1% still rule our state and country. Our campaign is an attempt to finish what Occupy started with policies that will promote a fairer, more equitable distribution of income and wealth,” he said.

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WICB Interviews Howie Hawkins

Ithaca Now (WICB, Ithaca College): September 17, 2018


Interview runs from 17:20 to 37:40.

The Week Ahead in New York Politics, September 17

Gotham Gazette, September 17, 2018

As the general election quickly swings into gear -- as of Sunday there were just 50 days until Election Day, November 6! -- the race for governor turns into a contest among Governor Andrew Cuomo, Republican nominee Marc Molinaro, Howie Hawkins of the Green Party, Libertarian Party nominee Larry Sharpe, and Stephanie Minor, running on her newly created Serve America Movement line. Nixon may also be on the ballot, but she is very likely not to campaign if she is. Or, she might be moved off the WFP line, possibly replaced by Cuomo if the warring factions can agree that they will work together to avoid creating a better path to victory for Molinaro or another candidate.

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Jimmy Dore Interviews Howie Hawkins

GOP foe rebukes Cuomo after primary win

Oneonta Daily Star: September 15, 2018

On Thursday, Cuomo scored an easy Democratic primary knockout of Cynthia Nixon, an actress and a self-described Democratic socialist....

Complicating the general election will be several other names on the ballot. They include Stephanie Miner, a former Syracuse mayor and Democrat running on a minor party line who has had an icy relationship with Cuomo; perennial Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, a socialist; and Libertarian Party candidate Larry Sharpe. And it remained unclear Friday if Nixon, who has the Working Families Party line, will try to get her name scrubbed from the ballot.

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Hawkins, Dunlea Campaign in Hudson Valley, Westchester

For immediate release: September 15, 2018

Hawkins, Dunlea Campaign in Hudson Valley, Westchester on September 15

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, will kick off his 2018 general election campaign on Saturday, September 15 with stops at the weekly protest at the CPV Power Plant in Orange County, and visits to the Mt. Kisco Street Festival and Yonkers River Festival.

Hawkins, who finished third in the 2014 general election, is campaigning on a Green New Deal, repairs to the MTA subway system, single payer health care, fully funding education, and expanded rent control and affordable housing.

He will be joined by Mark Dunela, the climate and anti-poverty activists who is running for State Comptroller to focus on combating corruption and divesting the state pension fund from fossil fuels.

In Yonkers, they will be joined by Green Attorney General candidate Michael Sussman, the veteran civil rights attorney who is the most experienced litigator running for AG.

Hawkins Progressive on Ballot, calls for Debates

For immediate release: September 13, 2018

Howie Hawkins Says He is the Progressive Candidate for Governor
Calls for 4 Regional Debates

I congratulate Andrew Cuomo on his primary victory and Cynthia Nixon for raising progressive alternatives.

Now that the primary is over, I look forward to a robust debate with Cuomo, Molinaro, Sharpe, Miner, and Nixon, if she chooses to stay in the race.

In particular, I will go beyond Nixon in the general election debate to put forward the eco-socialist policies we need for real solutions to the serious problems we face.

We need 100% clean energy by 2030, not 2050, to address the climate emergency.

Universal rent control is pointless without repeal of the Urstadt Law so that cities, not the state legislature, set their own rent regulations. And rent control is not enough. We need to radically expand public housing in order to make affordable housing a reality for all.

To provide every child a good education, we must not only fully fund high-poverty school districts. We must also desegregate New York’s most segregated schools in the nation and Opt Out of high-stakes testing that are used to evaluate teachers and use to put high-poverty schools into receivership and privatization as charter schools.

After the primary debate which largely ignored upstate New York and many critical issues starting with climate change, I proposed four regional debates (NYC Metro area, Capital District, Central NY and Western NY) to each focus on a topic area: The Economy, Government Reform, The Environment and Climate, and Social Policy, including education, health care, housing, transit, criminal justice, and civil rights.

Unlike the primary debate, the rules should be determined by all of the candidates and the media, not just Mr. Cuomo.

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