We need passionate, talented people to help make this a historic campaign.
Open Positions
Media and Communications Coordinator
Immediate start date with an end date of November 14. Position open until filled. This is a part-time position, beginning with 20 hours per week, with opportunities to increase.
The Media and Communications Coordinator will oversee the campaign's various media components and strategy, such as:
- coordination of press releases and op-eds, including writing, distribution and follow-up
- assist with scheduling cable / TV / radio talk shows, and meetings with editorial boards and columnists
- coordinate the campaign's social media efforts, including email list serves, blogs, twitter, face book, memes, live streaming, etc.
- assisting the development of paid media, including video / TV ads, as well as you tube videos
- coordinate volunteers on the media strategy
Fight corporate politics with the Green Party! We are seeking students and people passionate about social change to door knock, poster, phonebank, leaflet, help with social media and develop our website, do community outreach, organize special events and work with our campaign to build a movement to change politics in New York. Our campaign is grassroots and there are many opportunities to take on leadership positions in your area. We are currently able to offer 5 stipended internships for Grassroots Campus Organizers.