
Dunlea, Hawkins Call for State Public Bank

For immediate release: October 4, 2018

The Green Party candidates for State Comptroller and Governor said it was time for New York to follow the lead of North Dakota and create a public bank.

Unfair monetary and lending practices by the banking system are a major cause of economic problems. All too often small business and community initiatives including worker cooperatives are unable to raise the capital needed to finance their work or are forced to pay usurious rates. New York should create a state-owned bank to target investment into the new technologies and businesses of a sustainable green economy,” noted Dunlea.

The Green Party candidates, including Howie Hawkins for Governor, said the state should conduct a feasibility study on how to best set up and operate the bank.

Hawkins said, “A public bank for New York State will bypass the fees and commissions charged by big bank middlemen. The interest on loans will come back to the public treasury, not out to Wall Street. We can lower the costs of financing private businesses and public infrastructure and target our investments to meet public priorities.”

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WFP goes for Cuomo

Politico New York Playbook: October 4, 2018

Cuomo’s opponents quickly issued statements condemning the WFP’s switch. "The only vote left for progressives and socialists is the Green Party ticket after the Working Families Party once again nominated Andrew Cuomo,” said Green nominee Howie Hawkins. 

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Hawkins Statement on WFP Nomination of Cuomo

For immediate release: October 3, 2018

The only vote left for progressives and socialists is the Green Party ticket after the Working Families Party once again nominated Andrew Cuomo.

The WFPers who worked for Cynthia Nixon's campaign, and the progressive Democrats who voted for her, will find that it is Green Party’s platform that calls for real solutions to the problems we face, from the climate emergency to the growing concentration of wealth in the hands of the 1% that leaves many of us in the 99% struggling for living-wage jobs, affordable housing, on-time transit, good schools, and adequate health care.

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Howie Hawkins corners Andrew Cuomo on debates, plans 3 in Upstate NY

Syracuse Post-Standard: October 3, 2018

Candidates for New York governor Stephanie Miner, Larry Sharpe and Howie Hawkins speak during the 2018 Global Citizen Festival on Sept. 29, 2018 in New York City.
Candidates for New York governor Stephanie Miner, Larry Sharpe and Howie Hawkins speak during the 2018 Global Citizen Festival on Sept. 29, 2018 in New York City. (Theo Wargo)

by Mark Weiner

Howie Hawkins, the Green Party nominee for governor, says he's planning a series of four debates with Gov. Andrew Cuomo in every region of the state - including Syracuse - after the governor asked if he would organize the events.

Hawkins, of Syracuse, said he's taking Cuomo's off-the-cuff remarks about debates seriously after the two talked backstage Saturday at the Global Citizen Festival in New York City.

Hawkins, making his third bid for governor, said he ran into Cuomo as the governor was preparing to address the annual festival in Central Park that's dedicated to fighting global poverty.

"I said, 'Hi, governor. I'm looking forward to our debates,'" Hawkins said. "He looked a little concerned and said, 'What debates?' And then he asked, 'Are you going to organize them?'"

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Hawkins confronts Cuomo with debate request

Will New Yorker’s get a six-way gubernatorial debate this fall?

Albany Times Union: October 3, 2018

The lineup is packed. In total, there are six candidates in the running for governor of New York. Howie Hawkins is running once again on the Green Party line, former Syracuse mayor Stephanie Miner is running on the newly created Save American Movement line, Cynthia Nixon is still — as of Wednesday — listed as the nominee of the Working Families Party, and Larry Sharpe is running for governor as a Libertarian.

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Molinaro, Wofford Seek Debates

NY State of Politics: October 3, 2018

It is likely any general election debate for governor will include additional candidates on the ballot running for governor: Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins, Libertarian Larry Sharpe and Stephanie Miner, a Democrat running on the Serve American Movement ballot line.

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Green Party To Call for Creation of a New York State Public Bank

For immediate release: October 3, 2018

Notice of News Conference

Date: Thursday October 4

Time: 11:00 AM

Location: LCA Press room (Rm 130), Legislative Office Bldg., State and Swan Sts., Albany

Who: Mark Dunlea, State Comptroller Candidate; Howie Hawkins, Green Gubernatorial candidate

What: Creation of a NYS Public Bank

Green Party To Call for Creation of a New York State Public Bank

Mark Dunlea, the Green Party candidate for State Comptroller, will hold a news conference on Thursday October 4 to call for the creation of a state bank similar to North Dakota.

The news conference will be at 11 AM in the LCA press room of the LOB in Albany. Dunlea will be joined by Green Party Gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins.

A New York public bank would take state government funds now deposited in accounts with large commercial banks, and use them to back low-interest loans for public infrastructure, private businesses, and consumers. It would also lower borrowing costs for local governments and school districts.

Hawkins to Cuomo re Amazon: Where is My $15 Wage

For immediate release: October 3, 2018

If Howie Hawkins is not elected governor, the Green Party candidate plans to go back to work at UPS during the holiday peak season in November and December for $10.40 an hour.

When Gov. Cuomo praised Amazon on Tuesday "for following New York’s lead and raising the minimum wage to $15,” Hawkins asked, “What $15 wage?”

The minimum wage in upstate New York is currently $10.40 an hour. It will go up in steps to $12.50 by 2021. Then the state will take another look at the upstate minimum wage.

“Cuomo is campaigning around the state saying he got us a $15 wage. He’s no more reality-based than Trump. By the time we get to $15 upstate, it will still be a poverty wage. It’s time to demand $20 by 2020 statewide,” said Hawkins.

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Howie Hawkins & Jill Stein to Speak at RIT

For immediate release: October 3, 2018

Rochester - Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for Governor, and Jill Stein, the Green Party's presidential candidate in 2012 and 2016 will speak at Rochester Institute of Technology.  The talk will be in the Chester F Carlson Center for Imaging Sciences Building, Room CAR 1125 on Saturday, October 6th, at 11am. Mark Dunlea, Green Party Comptroller candidate will also speak.

The event is being sponsored by the RIT Chapter of the Rochester International Socialist Organization.

Howie Hawkins received 5% of the vote as the Green Party's gubernatorial candidate in 2014. Hawkins is running on a platform calling for a Green New Deal: living wage public jobs for all, a transition to a 100% renewable energy economy by 2030, single-payer universal healthcare, legalized marijuana, full public campaign financing, and increasing state sharing payments to municipalities.

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